Poetry In Motion en streaming

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Poetry In Motion

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Description :

Called the "Woodstock of Poetry" by American Film, and "Dazzling" by the Los Angeles Times, Poetry in Motion is an unprecedented anthology of twenty-four leading North American poets who sing, chant, anything but "read" their work.The result is a celebration of poetry's ancient oral tradition. And an energetic demonstration that verse is alive and thriving in the media-blitzed age. Featuring: Charles Bukowski, Amiri Baraka, Anne Waldman, Kenward Elmslie, Helen Adam, Ted Berrigan, Ed Sanders, Tom Waits, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, Robert Creely, Four Horsemen, Michael Ondaatje, Christopher Dewdney, John Giorno, Jayne Cortez, Ntozake Shange, Gary Snyder, Jim Carrol, Michael McClure, Diane di Prima, Allen Ginsberg, Miguel Algarin, Ted Milton.

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