Right Now, Wrong Then

Right Now, Wrong Then en streaming et en telechargement

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2016-06-24
  • Vote: NR
  • Temps: 2h 0min
  • Directeur: Hong Sang-soo
  • Production : Jeonwonsa Film
  • Pays: South Korea

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Description :

Quite by accident, a film director arrives in town a day early. With time to kill before his lecture, he stops by a restored palace and meets a fledgling artist (Kim Minhee from THE HANDMAIDEN). She’s never seen any of his films, but knows he’s famous. They talk, they go to her workshop to look at her paintings, and they have sushi and soju. More conversation follows, along with more drinks, and then an awkward get-together with friends where all sorts of secrets are revealed. All the while, they may or may not be falling for each other. Then, quite unexpectedly, we begin again, but now things appear somewhat different. An uncanny romantic comedy, RIGHT NOW, WRONG THEN is a deliciously intricate masterwork from filmmaker Hong Sangsoo.

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