Magnum Opus en streaming

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Magnum Opus

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Description :

Actions produce consequences. Behind our decisions often lie complex values, priorities, and experiences, inscrutable to others, even to ourselves. Magnum Opus takes that on, and four main characters embody different approaches to patriotic service and personal liberty, weaving together into a unified - if largely destructive - outcome. Daniel Cliff is a soldier and an artist, a man of integrity who wields his instinct and intellect, regardless of the consequence to himself, to follow what he sees as right. Cliff's purported opposition, who regards the safety and protection of the American public as his highest ideal, also carries out what he believes to be right, and so Magnum Opus offers at its core the conflict between right and right, and the consequences of impossible choices.

Magnum Opus en streaming sur Zone Telechargement! Films en streaming

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