Gabi on the Roof in July en streaming

Télécharger Gabi on the Roof in July
Gabi on the Roof in July

Regarder Gabi on the Roof in July en streaming

Description :

A portrait of young New York and the misguided hopefuls who can't afford to live there but do anyway, Gabi on the Roof in July is an ensemble comedy about ex-girlfriends, sibling rivalry and whipped cream set in a city that's constantly in flux. Gabi, a rambunctious undergrad, heads to New York City to spend the summer with her older brother, Sam, seeking solidarity in the wake of her parents divorce. When she gets there, she finds Sam too busy juggling women and too irked by her provocative antics and almost constant nudity to give her the guidance she needs. In an effort to get Sam's attention, Gabi seduces his free-loving, freeloading college buddy, only to find she's in over her head.

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