Maisie Was a Lady en streaming

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Maisie Was a Lady

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Description :

"Blonde Bonfire" Maisie is in Society Now! Showgirl Maisie ends up as a maid in a wealthy home and takes a helping hand in the family problems. Out of work as usual, showgirl Maisie Ravier (Ann Sothern) takes a job as the maid for a wealthy family. She quickly befriends the young man of the household (Lew Ayres) while the rest of the family members are too concerned with their own problems to benefit from Maisie's good nature. But each member of the family must come to terms with his or her own problems via Maisie's upbeat personality while taking a ringside seat in the battle of wits between down-to-earth Maisie and the imperious family butler (C. Aubrey Smith).

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