Reunion in France en streaming

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Reunion in France

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Description :

This thrilling World War II romance stars Joan Crawford, John Wayne, and John Carradine in the tale of a Frenchwoman who tries to help a downed U.S. flyer escape the Nazis. Michele de la Becque, a well-heeled, apolitical career woman in the Parisian fashion industry is in love with an industrial designer, Robert Cortot (Philip Dorn). Michele's luxurious life in the best social circles is relatively unimpeded at first by the presence of the Germans, but gradually a sense of patriotism and responsibility begins to dawn on her. She's crushed when she finds out that her lover is collaborating with the Nazis and turning out weapons for the German war machine. In the midst of this, she comes upon an Allied flyer (John Wayne) who has been downed behind enemy lines and is being hunted by the Gestapo. She gives him refuge and, on the rebound from her romantic heartbreak, finds herself falling for him.

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