I Am Sam Kinison en streaming

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I Am Sam Kinison

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Description :

I Am Sam Kinison is a feature-length documentary exploring the life and legacy of shock comic Sam Kinison, a former Pentecostal preacher turned stand-up comic who repurposed his pulpit-honed chops to the brazen rock ’n’ roll world of MTV-era comedy. Following a steep trajectory to fame, excess, despair and near-redemption, Sam died suddenly after he was struck by a drunk driver in 1992. Using extensive clips from his comedy specials that cover some of his favorite topics including marriage, women, homosexuality, God, religion and world hunger, Sam tells much of his story himself. Added perspective is provided by a dynamic cast of friends, family, fellow comics and celebrity party-mates, augmented by animated sequences that add color to energetic and often hilarious interviews.Key interviews include the inspired storytelling of Charlie Sheen, Jay Leno, Bill Burr, Ted Nugent, Joe Rogan, Corey Feldman, Bob Saget, Tommy Chong, porn star Ron Jeremy, and others.After suffering a childhood brain injury, failing as a Pentecostal preacher and enduring a humiliating marriage, Sam finally found his true voice and calling after stepping onto a comedy club stage in Houston, but it took years of struggle before mainstream audiences were ready to hear his message. Sam never lost his faith in God and his raucous story is replete with biblical themes fueled by sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll.I Am Sam Kinison shocks, schticks and screams its way through a life and a wild career that shattered the status quo and changed comedy forever.

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