Slither en streaming

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Description :

James Caan stars as a parolee who just wants to go straight... but for whom fate seems to have other plans in the offbeat comedy Slither. Dick Kanipsia's (Caan--The Godfather, Elf) dreams of walking the straight and narrow are derailed just hours after his release from prison when a former associate dies in his arms. The dying man reveals the location of a fortune in stolen loot watched over by a third former associate, Barry Fenaka (Peter Boyle Young Frankenstein, "Everybody Loves Raymond"). Now, the knowledge makes Kanipsia a target, and with shadowy people following and a somewhat off-center girlfriend, Kitty Kopetzky (Sally Kellerman--M*A*S*H), who robs a liquor store as soon as she's out of his sight, Kanipsia is forced onto a detour from his plans for a new life.

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