North Starr en streaming

Télécharger North Starr
North Starr

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Description :

After witnessing the brutal murder of his best friend, Demetrious (Jerome Hawkins) impulsively hops into a cab to escape the thug life and flees the badlands of inner city Houston for greener pastures. His cash takes him only as far as Trublin, a tiny backward town with a past it can't bury. He is soon picked up by Darring (Matthew T. Stanton) an unlikely kindred spirit who takes him under his wing. But all is not well in Trublin, Texas as the town's unspeakable past is quickly resurrected upon Demetrious' arrival. Together the two men find the strength in each other to rouse old demons that haunt the town and confront them in bold and unexpected ways.

North Starr en streaming sur Zone telechargement! Films en streaming

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