Frontline Fashion 2 en streaming

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Frontline Fashion 2

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Description :

Frontline Fashion 2 follows 10 emerging designers from across the globe who are determined to change the future of fashion – one of the most polluting industries imaginable. Battling to win the Redress Design Award, the world's largest sustainable design competition, the 10 finalists descend into Hong Kong - the epicentre of Asia's fashion scene - to showcase their collections, together with their hopes and dreams in a live Grand Final. All eyes are on the first prize - the chance to create an up-cycled retail collection for bold new sustainable brand, The R Collective... but before they hit the runway the designers have to prove to the judges that they have what it takes to transform fashion as they are challenged to reconstruct dumped clothing into celebrity red carpet pieces and slash textile waste at one of the world's biggest clothing manufacturers. As the designers vie for first place, they also prove that when it comes sustainable fashion, there is no need to compromise on style. But there can only be one winner…

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