Miss Arizona en streaming

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Miss Arizona

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Description :

Rose Raynes (Johanna Braddy) was crowned Miss Arizona - 15 years ago. Now a bored housewife trapped in a less-than-ideal marriage, Rose accepts an invitation to teach a life skills class at a women’s shelter. Digging out the relics of her pageant queen past, Rose attempts to share her platform speech with a room of four disinterested women dodging abusive exes. But when trouble shows up at the shelter, what the women really need is for Rose’s shiny SUV to get them out of dodge. The five embark on a wild all-night adventure through L.A.’s darkest streets and wildest drag club as the women fight to survive, and in so doing, discover what they need most. This one’s an anthem for any woman who’s ever been told to sit still and look pretty. This one’s for the marginalized. This one’s for the girls.

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