Love & Mercy: Faustina en streaming

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Love & Mercy: Faustina

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Description :

“Love and Mercy: Faustina” begins with St. Faustina before Christ called her to religious life and follows her as she not only answers Christ’s call but receives the image of the Divine Mercy in a vision in 1931 in a tiny town in Poland. The image does not become a tangible reality until years later when her confessor convinces a local artist to paint the image. While St. Faustina would not live to see the world venerate the image of the Divine Mercy, her confessor sought Vatican approval and was met with many obstacles. It wasn’t until Pope John Paul II took interest in the image and St. Faustina’s story that the image was spread worldwide. Additionally, unique scientific analysis shown in “Love and Mercy: Faustina” proves that St. Faustina did see Christ in her vision.

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