Tesla en streaming

Télécharger Tesla

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Description :

Ethan Hawke stars as iconic inventor Nikola Tesla, fighting an uphill battle to bring his revolutionary electrical system to fruition. Increasingly displeased by the greed of fellow inventor Thomas Edison (Kyle MacLachlan), Tesla forges his own path toward creating the innovative alternate-current motor. In this playful and unconventional biopic director Michael Almereyda (The Experimenter, Marjorie Prime) weaves together a portrait of a rebel ahead of his time through all his controversies, legal battles, entrepreneurial clashes, and romantic interests. The profundity of his electrical mind is unearthed through this rediscovery of the development of electricity in the United States, ultimately posing existential questions about invention, industry, greed, love, and lightning.

Tesla en streaming sur Zone Telechargement! Films en streaming

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