Eddy's Kingdom en streaming

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Eddy's Kingdom

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Description :

The government stole Eddy Haymour's island. His obsession with Rattlesnake Island led him to take hostages, threaten letter bombs, plan attacks on the government, lose his family, and his sanity. He wants his island back. At his side on this quest is his daughter Fadwa, the only family member who still talks to him. Eddy Haymour is a barber, psychiatric patient, and kidnapper. Our documentary chronicles his obsession with creating an island theme park in Kelowna BC, which led to a government conspiracy, hostage-taking, and ultimately his vindication in front of a British Columbian court. It is a pyrrhic victory. His obsession with the island has destroyed his family. Today, his quest continues as he attempts to confront the current BC government to get his island back. This documentary draws a portrait of an obsessed man lost in delusions of justice.

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