Sparks en streaming

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Description :

In the critically praised superhero noir thriller, masked vigilante Ian Sparks discovers the dark side of heroism when his pursuit of the world’s most notorious super criminal leaves his life and reputation in ruins. After a radioactive meteor strikes Earth, a genetically altered group known as The Rochester 13 gain astonishing, superhuman powers. Ian Sparks doesn't feel remotely super... but after his parents' death, he throws himself into battle against the criminals plaguing the mean streets of New York. Teaming up with, and falling hard for, the beautiful Lady Heavenly, the unstoppable duo quickly decimates the city's army of thugs. But when they tangle with the nation's most twisted arch-villain, they end up losing everything -including each other. Sparks' rage-fueled quest for vengeance ignites a battle that will change the world and alter his destiny, forever. The film is based on the graphic novel series Sparks, created by Chris Folino and William Katt and published by Catastrophic Comics.

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