Crossing the Grain en streaming

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Crossing the Grain

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Description :

In 1995, two friends launched Arbor to make environmental conservation the guiding principle in the production of their snowboard and skateboard products. Arbor would become the first action sports brand founded to focus on sustainability and formally commit to donating a portion of sales to the restoration of the environment. The story of how Arbor got from this idealistic start to the brand it is today, has never been told. Now at the 25-year mark ,the unique history of this pioneering company has finally been documented in “Crossing the Grain.” The film takes you through Arbor’s launch into an extremely crowded mid-90's board sports market; its struggles to find acceptance for its sustainability message as the industry rapidly consolidated in the early 2000s; and the realization that it would take a more collective path forward to survive and thrive as the first eco-minded snowboard and skateboard brand. "Crossing the Grain" is an insightful look at how the business was saved, how the brand’s founding commitments were reinforced, and ultimately how Arbor earned its place as one of today's most innovative and enduring brands.

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