Violent City en streaming

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Violent City

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Description :

In a city set to explode, one man has just lit the fuse! After a bloody double-cross leaves him for dead, professional hitman Jeff (Charles Bronson) tracks the shooter and his beautiful mistress (Jill Ireland) to New Orleans. But when Jeff takes both revenge and the woman, he finds himself blackmailed by a powerful crime boss (Telly Savalas) who wants the fiercely independent gunman to join his organization. Jeff refuses and is hunted through an unforgiving city where love is like a loaded gun and debts of vengeance are paid in bullets. This is no ordinary Bronson movie! Packed with savage action and a shocking twist ending, Violent City (also known as The Family) was directed by Italian genre ace Sergio Sollima (Face to Face) from a fast-paced screenplay co-written by the brilliant Lina Wertmüller (Seven Beauties) and features a pulse-pounding score by the legendary Ennio Morricone.

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