AINBO: Spirit of the Amazon en streaming

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AINBO: Spirit of the Amazon

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Description :

A world of adventure awaits you in Ainbo: Spirit Of The Amazon, the tale of a young girl determined to save her home in the deepest jungle of the rainforest. One day, Ainbo discovers that her homeland is being threatened and realizes that there are other humans in the world besides her people. Using the help of her spirit guides, Dillo the armadillo and Vaca the tapir, she embarks on a journey to seek help from the most powerful Mother Spirit of the Amazon, Turtle Motelo Mama. As she fights to save her paradise against the greed and exploitation of illegal gold mining, she struggles to reverse the destruction and the impending evil of the Yacaruna, the darkest demon that lives in the Amazon. Guided by her mother’s spirit, Ainbo resolves to save her land and her people before it’s too late!

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