Memories of My Father en streaming

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Memories of My Father

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Description :

Directed by Academy-Award winner Fernando Trueba (BELLE EPOQUE) and based on the book Oblivion: A Memoir, MEMORIES OF MY FATHER dramatizes the true life story of Héctor Abad Gómez, played by Goya Award winner Javier Cámara (Pedro Almodóvar's TALK TO HER, BAD EDUCATION), a renowned Colombian doctor and human rights activist in 1970s Medellín, Colombia who loved his talented children and fought against oppression and social inequality. Colombia's official submission for the Academy Awards, the film is a stylish and beautifully shot portrait of a man who devoted his life to helping others. Co-written by filmmaker David Trueba, this is an intimate story seen through the eyes of Héctor Abad Gómez's only son, Héctor Abad Faciolince, one of the most outstanding writers in contemporary Colombia, who created the international best-selling book the film is based on.

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