The Emperor's New Groove en streaming

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The Emperor's New Groove

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Description :

Hilarious comedy rules in Disney's The Emperor's New Groove! There's something for everyone in this hip, funny movie with its dynamo cast, distinctive style, and great music -- featuring the Academy Award®-nominated song "My Funny Friend And Me" (2000, Best Original Song). Emperor Kuzco (voiced by David Spade) is turned into a llama by his devious advisor, Yzma (Eartha Kitt), and her hunky henchman, Kronk (Patrick Warburton). Now the ruler who once had it all must form an unlikely alliance with a pleasant peasant named Pacha (John Goodman). Together, they must overcome their differences as they embark on a hilarious, "groovy" adventure. Discovering the good in everyone has never been this much fun! Your whole family will enjoy this comic delight again and again.

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