Robin Hood en streaming

Télécharger Robin Hood
Robin Hood

Regarder Robin Hood en streaming

Description :

The legend of the 12th Century nobleman-turned-hero of the poor is retold in an original production offering adventure, action, romance and a new interpretation of the man behind the folklore. In the divided England of the 12th Century, the Normans rule with an iron hand and the Saxons defy their authority at their own peril. After clashing with a Norman knight in an effort to save the life of a poacher, Saxon nobleman Robert Hode (Patrick Bergin) himself becomes a victim, forced to forfeit both his lands and his title to the throne. Branded an outlaw and concealing his identity with the new name of "Robin Hood," he outsmarts his Norman rivals, wins the love of the beautiful Maid Marian (Uma Thurman), and becomes a great hero to the downtrodden Saxon people. Then, with the soldiers of Prince John closing in on him and Maid Marian about to be forced into marriage with his greatest enemy, Robin Hood must embark on his boldest exploit yet.

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