Ragtime en streaming

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Description :

From two-time Oscar winning director Miloš Forman, and based on the best-selling novel by E.L. Doctorow, Ragtime weaves an epic tale, layering fascinating characters with the riotous events of early 1900s America. From the emerging New York suburb of New Rochelle to the flashy spectacle of Atlantic City, a family faces racial tensions, scandalous events and violence that will test everything they believe in. Featuring an all-star cast, including James Cagney in his first (and final) role in nearly two decades, Donald O’Connor, Mandy Patinkin, Mary Steenburgen, Debbie Allen, Elizabeth McGovern, Moses Gunn, Pat O’Brien, Jeff Daniels, Fran Drescher, John Ratzenberger, Michael Jeter, Norman Mailer, and Samuel L. Jackson, and an unforgettable music score by Randy Newman.

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