Batman en streaming

Télécharger Batman

Regarder Batman en streaming

Description :

Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward) must launch a rescue mission when they get a tip that Commodore Schmidlapp (Reginald Denny) is in danger aboard his yacht. But the tip is a set-up by four of the most powerful villains ever, who seek to defeat the dynamic duo once and for all! Armed with a dehydrator that can turn humans into dust, the fearsome foursome intends to take over the world! Can the Caped Crusaders use their high-flying heroism and groovy gadgetry to declaw Catwoman (Lee Meriwether), ice the Penguin (Burgess Meredith), upstage the Joker (Cesar Romero), and stump the Riddler (Frank Gorshin) in time?

Batman en streaming sur Zone Telechargement! Films en streaming

Voir Batman en streaming sur internet gratuitement : Pour regarder Batman cliquez sur le bouton play dans le lecteur.

Télécharger Batman gratuitement sur Zone Telechargement

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