Bingo en streaming

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Description :

UNLEASH THE LAUGHS with this outrageous, over-the-edge comedy! When Bingo, a runaway circus dog who escapes the Big Top, saves the life of Chuckie, a young boy who's having trouble fitting in with his pals, the two quickly become best friends skateboarding, playing pinball and doing math homework together. But Chuckie's parents (Cindy Williams and David Rasche) discover the stowaway pooch, and make no bones about the fact that Bingo will not accompany them on their cross-country move. What follows is a heartwarming 1,000-mile adventure of puppy love and loyalty as Bingo and Chuckie encounter nutty characters and hilarious situations in their quest to be reunited. Dog catchers, kidnappers, hospitals, even prison, can't keep the two lovable misfits apart!

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