Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines en streaming

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

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Description :

"T2" grossed $204+ million, and now Golden Globe-winner Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in the highly anticipated third chapter in the blockbuster franchise, directed by Jonathon Mostow ("U571," "From the Earth to the Moon"). Eight years ago, the machines who rule the future sent an unstoppable Terminator to assassinate the young John Connor. They failed. Now, they're trying again, and Connor must face a female Terminatrix with power over all the machines. But a new T-800 unit Terminator sent back through time will guide him through the coming battle. Golden Globe winner Claire Danes ("The Hours," "The Mod Squad," "My So-Called Life") and supermodel Kristanna Loken ("Panic," "Gangland") co-star.

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