Mike's New Car en streaming

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Mike's New Car

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Description :

Mike discovers that being the top-ranking laugh collector at Monsters, Inc. has its benefits, such as earning enough money to buy a six-wheel drive car that's loaded with gadgets. That new car smell doesn't last long enough, however, as Sulley jump-starts an ill-fated road test that teaches Mike the true meaning of buyer's remorse. Since ending the energy crisis in Monstropolis, this pair can still get into quite a predicament. Mike's pride in his new wheels is only surpassed by Sulley's lack of skills at the control panel. The two eventually agree on one thing: walking to work might be the best, at least today. Director Pete Docter came up with the idea for Mike's New Car long before directing Monsters, Inc. When the opportunity arose to create a short film featuring Mike and Sulley, Docter dusted off his shelved idea, put Mike in the driver's seat, and added some classic Laurel and Hardy moments to create a curbside comedy that puts the pedal to the metal.

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