Gunga Din en streaming

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Gunga Din

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Description :

Oscar-winner Cary Grant leads the way in this action-packed adventure about three rowdy British soldiers who defeat a murderous cult in India with help from native water boy, Gunga Din. Based on a Rudyard Kipling poem, this Hollywood classic stars Grant ("The Awful Truth," "Suspicion," "North by Northwest"), Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ("The Prisoner of Zenda," "Sinbad the Sailor"), Academy Award-winner Victor McLaglen ("She Wore a Yellow Ribbon," "Fort Apache"), Oscar-nominee Sam Jaffe ("The Asphalt Jungle") and Oscar-winner Joan Fontaine ("Rebecca," "Suspicion"). Produced and directed by 12-time Oscar-nominee George Stevens ("Shane," "Giant"). Nominated for its outstanding cinematography, "Gunga Din" features some of the greatest action scenes ever filmed. Recently selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 400 greatest American films of all time. Inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry.

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