Airport 1975 en streaming

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Airport 1975

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Description :

"Something hit us...the crew is us, please, please help us!" With these terrifying words, 22 of Hollywood's greatest stars find themselves aboard a pilotless jumbo jet headed on a collision course with destruction in the nerve chilling sequel to the greatest disaster movie ever made. Charlton Heston is in the cockpit for this incredible adventure as the only man who can save the 747 and its passengers when it's hit in midair by a private plane. Karen Black is the chief stewardess who must act as the blinded pilot's hands and eyes to take control of the plane or die trying. Myrna Loy, Helen Reddy, Linda Blair, Dana Andrews, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Gloria Swanson, Sid Caesar and George Kennedy, recreating his acclaimed Airport role, are also aboard trying to survive the deadly skies of this high flying thriller.

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