Surrogates en streaming

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Description :

How do you save humanity when the only thing that's real is you? From the director of Terminator 3 comes a jaw-dropping psychological thriller starring the ultimate action hero, Bruce Willis. In the not-so-distant future, where people experience life through perfect surrogates controlled from the safety of their own homes, murder is a thing of the past. But when a college student linked to the creator of these replicants is killed, one FBI agent must re-enter reality and risk his life to unravel the mystery. In the battle of technology versus humanity, who can you trust? Experience every electrifying moment of this mind-blowing film. Based on the acclaimed graphic novel and exploding with unforgettable action, Surrogates is non-stop entertainment from start to finish.

Surrogates en streaming sur Zone Telechargement! Films en streaming

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