Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers en streaming

Télécharger Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers

Regarder Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers en streaming

Description :

This campy horror sequel to the original 1983 feature is laced with doses of dark humor and blood-spattering special effects. Camp Rolling Hills is losing enrollment as the "bad teens" are being murdered. Angela Baker (Pamela Springsteen) is the moralistic camp counselor who tells people the campers have been "sent home." The victims are beaten, slashed choked, and one is even drowned in an outhouse as others die in increasingly creative and grisly ways. Renee Estevez stars as Molly, the heroine of the film who somehow manages to avoid being killed.

Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers en streaming sur Zone telechargement! Films en streaming

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