Band of the Hand en streaming

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Band of the Hand

Regarder Band of the Hand en streaming

Description :

Welcome to Miami, where hot cars, fast cash, cocaine deals and cold-blooded murder are the name of the game. After serving time in a grueling rehabilitation program, convicted felons Ruben, J.L., Carlos, Moss and Dorcey return to an even tougher turf - the Miami ghetto. But making it on the streets becomes a brutal battle for survival against crime kingpins determined to run them off. Too cool to conform, too tough to back down, the group fights back the only way they can - to the death. Featuring the title song, "Band of the Hand," written by Bob Dylan, performed by Bob Dylan with the Heartbreakers, and produced by Tom Petty, this intense drama grabs you and never lets go!

Band of the Hand en streaming sur Zone Telechargement! Films en streaming

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