Saving Grace en streaming

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Saving Grace

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Description :

Grace, a small-town English widow, discovers after her husband's suicide that he has squandered all their money and left her bankrupt -- and the banks are ready to reposes everything. Faced with impending doom, and with marketable few skills aside from her "green thumb," she struggles to save her home. Matthew, her financially struggling gardener who needs money to marry his sweetheart, suggests using her greenhouse to grow marijuana for the money they both need. When this plan succeeds, Grace takes the crop to London and tries to sell it to a ruthless but charming drug dealer. It all gets wild and crazy after that! Starring Golden Globe-winner Brenda Blethyn ("Introducing the Dwights," "Atonement") as Grace, and Emmy Award-nominee Craig Ferguson (TV's "The Late Show with Craig Ferguson," "I'll Be There") as Matthew. Ferguson also produced and wrote this film!

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