Yes, Giorgio en streaming

Télécharger Yes, Giorgio
Yes, Giorgio

Regarder Yes, Giorgio en streaming

Description :

There's no mistaking the grand voice, the outsized personality, the friendly, open face. Stepping outside his traditional operatic canon to star in his only feature film is renowned tenor Luciano Pavarotti. Not that the "King of the High Cs" steps too far outside with this breezy tale of romance. Nor would fans want things any other way. The role of an opera star touring the U.S. provides an ample showcase for Pavarotti's rich vocal artistry in works including Ave Maria, La Donna È Mobile, his signature Nessun Dorma, even I Left My Heart in San Francisco. Franklin J. Schaffner (Patton) directs, with locations including Italy, Boston, New York and the Napa Valley. Bravo, Giorgio! Bravissimo, Luciano!

Yes, Giorgio en streaming sur Zone Telechargement! Films en streaming

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