Blue's Big Musical en streaming

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Blue's Big Musical

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Description :

Today’s the Day! The kind of day for Blue's Big Musical Movie! Steve, Blue, and all their friends are putting on a big backyard music show! And everyone will be there, including Blue’s brand-new neighbor, the new cat in town, Periwinkle! Steve and Blue really need preschoolers' help to get the show underway by keeping a checklist, assembling the stage and costumes, writing a song with G-Clef (voiced by Ray Charles), and of course, playing Blue's Clues to find Blue a singing partner. Even the shy Sidetable Drawer needs help getting into the act! In Blue's Big Musical Movie, preschoolers will sing, dance, play, and learn that they can be anything they want to be! Blue's Big Musical Promotes: - Problem Solving - Critical Thinking - Association Skills - Music Curriculum including Notes, Rhythm, Tempo & Soul - Confidence and Self-Esteem

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