Listen, Darling en streaming

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Listen, Darling

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Description :

Young Pinkie Wingate (Judy Garland) and her pal Buzz (Freddie Bartholomew) will do anything to stop Pinkie's widowed mother (Mary Astor) from entering into a loveless marriage with the town's fuddy-duddy banker (Gene Lockhart) – including kidnapping! They stow mom in a travel trailer and hit the road, looking for one good man to say "I do." In the best romantic-comedy fashion, they find two: a carefree amateur photographer (Walter Pidgeon) and a wealthy businessman (Alan Hale). Garland, whose next film would be the beloved The Wizard of Oz, and Bartholomew (David Copperfield, Captains Courageous) make a winning pair as they take aim with Cupid's bow in Listen, Darling. Garland sings "On the Bumpy Road to Love," "Ten Pins in the Sky" and "Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart," a tune she reprised to the audience's cheers in her legendary 1961 concert at Carnegie Hall.

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