Outrageous Fortune en streaming

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Outrageous Fortune

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Description :

Lauren (Shelley Long, THE BRADY BUNCH MOVIE) is refinement, regimentation, and ballet slippers. Sandy (Bette Midler, THE FIRST WIVES CLUB) is brassy, bossy, and stiletto heels. They meet and it's hate at first sight. But these two opposites are shocked to discover a common bond: They share the same boyfriend -- a handsome schoolteacher (Peter Coyote, RANDOM HEARTS) who mysteriously and conveniently disappears. Mr. Right wronged them ... and when they decide to track the scoundrel down, they're thrown together in a cross-country pursuit for better or worse ... mosty for worse! Brilliantly cast and deviously written, this racy, riotous comedy provides sidesplitting laughs of outrageous proportions!

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