Secondhand Lions en streaming

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Secondhand Lions

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Description :

Over one unpredictable Central Texas summer in the early 1960s, everything in the lives of a family of strangers is about to change forever. For 14-year-old Walter (Haley Joel Osment), his great uncles' farm in rural Texas is the last place on earth he wants to spend the summer. Eccentric and gruff Hub and Garth (Robert Duvall and Michael Caine) are rumored to have been bank robbers, mafia hit men and/or war criminals in their younger days. But little by little, through stories spun against a backdrop of the dusty Texas night, an amazing tale comes to life via Walter's vivid, colorful imaginings--a tale set in a long-ago exotic, mysterious place where men rode stallions and fought with swords; where beautiful princesses tangled with treacherous sheiks; and where the two unlikely heroes lived an adventure of which most people only dream.

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