Buchanan Rides Alone en streaming

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Buchanan Rides Alone

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Description :

BUCHANAN RIDES ALONE once again brings together the legendary team of director Budd Boetticher and star Randolph Scott (The Tall T, Ride the High Country). Scott stars as Tom Buchanan, a man headed home to start his own ranch and live a peaceful life. He stops in the town of Agry, where a feud between members of the Agry family has begun. In the process of helping a man, Buchanan is robbed, thrown in jail and framed for murder. When Buchanan is released from jail, he is escorted out of town, but he finds his way back, aiming to get revenge on the Agry family. Also featuring Craig Stevens (TV’s “Peter Gunn”), BUCHANAN RIDES ALONE is a classic western loaded with drama and action. Newly remastered.

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