Bob the Builder: Heavy Duty Diggers en streaming

Télécharger Bob the Builder: Heavy Duty Diggers
Bob the Builder: Heavy Duty Diggers

Regarder Bob the Builder: Heavy Duty Diggers en streaming

Description :

See Bob the Builder and the Can-Do Crew like never before through the power of CGI animation! Bob and the team are hard at work in their new location in Harbor Town where Lofty leads the construction of a new ocean pier and transforms an old shack into a surf school. Scratch, the newest addition to the Top Team, is digging his way into all sorts of adventures with Scoop at the museum, and Scrambler attempts to build a tree house at the school by himself. So grab your hard hat and get ready to find out why having fun is getting it done!

Bob the Builder: Heavy Duty Diggers en streaming sur Zone telechargement! Films en streaming

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