Bones, Season 12 en streaming

Télécharger Bones, Season 12
Bones, Season 12

Regarder Bones, Season 12 en streaming

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date: 2017-01-03
  • Vote: TV-14
  • Episodes: 13

Description :

The 12-episode run will celebrate the inventive series and bring the storylines of Brennan, Booth and the Jeffersonian-FBI team to a close, allowing the show’s loyal fans to say goodbye to these indelible characters. Throughout the final chapter, fans will see the return of fan-favorite guest stars and squinterns, as well as an old flame from one of the team’s past. Fans also will experience a wedding, follow an epic serial killer storyline, go undercover in a lumberjack competition and see Booth and Brennan’s marriage get put to the test. As always, new guest stars will be introduced, as well as a final round of gory murders, from which brand-new investigations will arise.

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