Description :
A dark comedy starring Bill Hader, who created and executive produced the series along with Alec Berg ('Silicon Valley'), Barry focuses on a depressed hitman from the Midwest (Hader, in the title role) who falls in love with acting while on a job in LA.
1 | forgiving jeff | 29:14 | Voir | ||
2 | limonada | 28:18 | Voir | ||
3 | ben mendelsohn | 25:21 | Voir | ||
4 | all the sauces | 31:08 | Voir | ||
5 | crazytimesh*tshow | 28:30 | Voir | ||
6 | 710N | 29:15 | Voir | ||
7 | candy asses | 33:46 | Voir | ||
8 | starting now | 29:28 | Voir | ||
9 | Trailer | 02:01 | Voir |
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