Walking With Dinosaurs en streaming

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Walking With Dinosaurs

Regarder Walking With Dinosaurs en streaming

  • Genre: Documentaire
  • Date: 1999-10-04
  • Episodes: 6

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version anglaise de cette série TV. Vous pouvez accéder à la version en français en effectuant la recherche Sur la terre des dinosaures dans l'iTunes Store. Walking with Dinosaurs is the world's first natural history of dinosaurs. Using leading-edge computer technology and animatronics, this epic series shows dinosaurs as never before — it lets us travel back in time to watch living, breathing dinosaurs in their natural habitat. Imagine you could witness a prehistoric sunset — imagine you're watching insectivorous pterosaurs chase moths in the moist evening air and bull Triceratops lock horns over a young female. This is no longer a dream. Tracing the 160-million-year history of dinosaurs, from their first appearance to their abrupt demise, Walking with Dinosaurs makes that distant world seem just as if it existed today.

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