The One With All the Vacations en streaming

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The One With All the Vacations

Regarder The One With All the Vacations en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2009-06-22
  • Episodes: 10

Description :

The Friends gang hits the road in this 10-episode travelogue that’s filled with laughs. Ross travels to Hollywood to visit his old pet monkey, Marcel, who’s gotten into show business, and he runs into Julia Roberts and more. Meanwhile, Rachel invites everyone on a ski trip . . . except Ross. And Phoebe invites the group to her client’s beach house, where Joey’s game of strip poker somehow becomes a round of “Strip Happy Days.” Travel also to London for Ross’s second wedding (with guest stars Sarah Ferguson and House’s Hugh Laurie) and Vegas for Ross’s third wedding. With a Monica/Chandler side trip to Atlantic City, this collection finds its way to Barbados where the gang gets island fever, leading into the final season of this comedy classic. Isn’t it time you got away from it all? Take a vacation with Friends!

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