Eye Trip en streaming

Télécharger Eye Trip
Eye Trip

Regarder Eye Trip en streaming

  • Genre: Sport
  • Date: 2010-11-01
  • Episodes: 1

Description :

Turn out, tune on, and drop in. Skiing's counter-culture continues to buck the trends of what's come before them- this is a worldwide documentation of ski action as you've never seen it presented before. Follow the Level 1 crew as they experiment with one of the largest gap jumps ever built in Sun Valley, Idaho, hit a record snowfall in Helsinki, Finland, and harvest the vast resources of Alaska... or perhaps it's all just a lucid dream? Wake up, because Level 1 will take you on the visual trip of a lifetime. Come along for the ride!

Tous les épisodes de Eye Trip en streaming

1 Eye Trip 55:40 Voir

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