The Turning Point en streaming

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The Turning Point

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Description :

John Conroy, chief of a special investigating committee, is appointed to get rid of a $200,000,000 crime octopus that thas taken control of his community. To help him in his huge task, he enlists the aid of his boyhood pal, Jerry McKibben, a cynical, but conscientious newspaper man. Jerry is reluctant at first, but than decides to help his friend, perhaps because he is attracted to Amanda Waycross, Conroy's beautiful "girl Friday". At first Amanda resents Jerry's participation, but when she ralizes that he has Conroy's interest at heart, her attitude changes and soon she and Jerry fall in love. In no time at all, Jerry unearths the fact that Conroy's father, Matt, a city policeman, is associated with local businessman Eichelberger who is, in reality, the brain and nerves of the entire syndicate.

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